St. John United Church of Christ
Our Worship
Our worship is a time of community when we come to share and express our faith in a group that cares about one another, seeking to apply Christian belief, love, mercy, and fellowship to our everyday living. Sermons are designed to be true to Jesus’ teachings in the New Testament, and to be helpful and encouraging, presenting articles of faith, and ways to live in our complex society, hoping they become conversation starters and avenues for us all to grow as Christians.
Although we would love to have you in our presence, if you cannot attend worship in person, you can still be part of our community by viewing the service live-streamed on YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/StJohnWorshipService. You may also access the video on YouTube through our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SJUCCRiegelsville.
Several of our worship services are combined into a series with an overall theme,
especially evident in the scripture reading and the sermon.
Current Series: Feb. 16 – Mar. 9, 2025
Main Theme: What Does This Mean?
Weekly Themes:
February 16
How do we apply “treat others as we wish to be treated”?
February 23
When do “fair wages” seem unfair”?
March 2
What is meant by “the Kingdom of God is within you”?
March 9
How do we answer the question, “Who is my neighbor”?